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Scriptures for Mediation

Read Daniel 5:10-16

Questions to Ponder
What happened after the king saw the writing and the joints of his loins were loosed?
A. His teeth chattered
B. His knees smote together
C. His arms turned to jelly
D. He collapsed

Which wise men did the king call to interpret the writing?
A. The astrologers
B. Chaldeans
C. The soothsayers
D. A, B, & C

Who told the king to call Daniel to interpret the writings?
A. The Queen
B. Melzar
C. The Prince
D. Hananiah

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The Captain of my Soul

Read Daniel 4:19-37

How did Yahweh communicate with Nebuchadnezzar?
A. Through Nature
B. Through a dream that his astrologers interpreted for him
C. Through a dream that Daniel interpreted for him

Who spoke to Nebuchadnezzar in his dream?
A. Yahweh Himself
B. Daniel
C. A watcher and holy one

What did Nebuchadnezzar see in his dream
A. A tree that was cut down
B. An eagle flying high
C. Visions of the end of the world

What happened to the tree?
A. It grew and flourished forever
B. It bore twelve kinds of fruit
C. It was cut down for the length of seven times
D. It was struck by lightning

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The Cure for Pride

Scriptures for Mediation

Read Daniel 4:1-37

Questions to Explore

Who had a dream in chapter 4?
King Nebuchadnezzar
King Cyrus

What type of tree did the king see in his dream?
A Red Oak Tree
A Pine Tree
A Giant Tree

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Meet Me in the Fire

Read Daniel 3

King Nebuchadnezzar built a great statue that was nine feet tall and nine feet wide. What was the statue made out of?
A. Silver
B. Gold
C. Plastic
D. Iron

King Nebuchadnezzar told all the people that they must worship the statue at a certain time. What was sign that they would be given to fall down and worship the statue?
A. Music would play
B. Lights would flash
C. A fire would be lit
D. A trumpet would blow

What was the unusual thing that King Nebuchadnezzar noticed when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire?
A. They had an angelic glow
B. Their clothes were not burned and did not smell like smoke
C. Their hair had turned white as snow
D. Their burned clothes smelled like roses

Today’s Prayer:
Lord, I thank you that I am a Christian. Help me to make the choices that demonstrate my love and loyalty to You and not to my peers or the pressures of society. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Christian’s Choice

Read Daniel 3

What was the statue made of?
A) Gold, copper, and silver
B) Silver
C) Gold
D) Gold and Silver

The King ordered the furnace fired up how many times hotter than usual
A) 10
B) 5
C) 7
D) 3

What happened to the men who carried the accused?
A) They were rewarded
B) It doesn't say
C) Flames from the furnace killed them
D) The accused killed them

How many men did the King see walking around freely in the fire, completely unharmed?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 3
D) 1

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Mission Statement

Zion Baptist Church is __________ focused. Our mission is to __________ the kingdom by __________ souls, __________ the family, and __________ godly __________ for community __________.





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Naturally Gifted by God

Read Daniel 2:31-49

A spirit medium:

  1. Functions as a holy servant of Yahweh

  2. Shrewdly pretends to have secret knowledge

  3. Can accurately foretell the future by communicating with the dead


What made Daniel think he could interpret the king's dream?

  1. He was used to seeing secrets in dreams

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Give Me A Moment Please

Read Daniel 2:1-23

Today’s Trivia:

In what year of his reign did Nebuchadnezzar have his famous dream?

  1. In the first year.

  2. In the second year.

  3. In the fifth year.

  4. In the sixth year.

The dream of Nebuchadnezzar

  1. Gave him great joy

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Steadier than a Stream

Read Daniel 1:1-23

What different name did the king give to Daniel?

a. Shadrach
b. Abednego
c. Meshach
d. Belteshazzar

Who was given the ability to understand dreams and visions of every kind?

a. Shadrach
b. Daniel
c. Meshach
d. Abednego

What kind of diet did Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego have?

a. Vegetarian
b. all pork
c. all meat
d. all fish

Daniel remained in Nebuchadnezzar’s court until the first year of which king?

a. King Nabopolassar
b. King Neriglissar
c. King Cyrus
d. King Nabodnidus


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The Clash of Cultures

Read Daniel 1

How long were the four men supposed to be trained in preparation for the king’s court?

  1. 3 years

  2. 10 years

  3. 4 years

  4. 2 years


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A Common Heritage

The History of Zion Baptist Church

Did You Know?

Did you know ship owners had insurance on the slaves?

Faced with a large number of deaths due to overcrowding, sick Africans were thrown overboard. If sick slaves died a natural death, the owners were not compensated. However, the insurers paid out if they were still alive when thrown overboard.

40 Acres and a Mule

40 acres and a mule, the 1st attempt at reparations for newly freed slaves, was even more radical than idea of ending slavery.

Imagine how better off African-Americans, the nation and the world would be had former slaves been given the opportunity to own land, be self-sufficient, and to have, build and pass on intergenerational wealth. 


Lord, thank You for the lives, lessons and legacy of our ancestors. Help us to prepare our next generation by building on their faith, strength and trust in You. In Jesus Name, amen.


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The Book of Daniel


• 27th book of the Bible;

• 12 Chapters;

• 357 verses;

• 11,606 words;

• 16 questions;

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